Hookah Product Order Status

Order Status

Hookah Product Order Status

When you register for an account and place your order online or via telephone, your Order Status is reflected on the "Order History" page of the "My Account" section at SouthSmoke.com.

For information on how to place an order online at SouthSmoke.com, please refer to our simple step-by-step Shopping Process.

Order Status Indicators

1. Order Received - Processing

After your order is placed with SouthSmoke.com, the status of your order will be reflected as "Order Received - Processing." This confirms our companies receipt of your order and we are currently confirming available inventory, etc in order to fulfill and ship your requested Hookah merchandise.

2. Fulfillment Request In Process

Once your order has been fulfilled and/or shipped from our facilities but your tracking information has not been updated on your order, the order status will indicate "Fulfillment Request In Process." Within 48 hours, tracking will be automatically loaded into your account and your order status will read "Order Completed."

3. Order Partially Complete

Since our company ships Hookah merchandise from multiple warehouses within the United States, your order may be split into multiple shipments. Rest assured, you will not be charged for any additional shipping costs associated with internal processing of your order from our multiple warehouses. When your order status indicates "Order Partially Complete," additional tracking numbers will be reflected in the "Notes" section of the "Order Tracking" page at SouthSmoke.com when your order status changes to "Order Completed.".

4. Order Completed

When all Hookah merchandise pertaining to your SouthSmoke.com order is fulfilled and shipped from our facilities, your order status will indicate "Order Completed." At this time, SouthSmoke.com has completed your order and all tracking information will be reflected on the "Order Tracking" page of the "My Account" section.

5. Please Call Customer Service

If a problem or concern arises after your order has been placed with SouthSmoke.com, your order status will reflect "Please Call Customer Service." Please please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page to resolve any outstanding issues on your account.

6. Order Partially Backordered

When your order status reflects "Order Partially Backordered," certain Hookah products that you may have ordered are currently on backorder and are awaiting to be received by our company. Even though certain merchandise pertaining to your order may be on backorder, this order status indicates that part of your order has already been fulfilled and released for shipping to your address on file. Please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page to confirm availability of the remaining merchandise that you ordered.

7. Backordered

When your order status reflects "Backordered," certain items that you may have ordered are currently on backorder and are awaiting to be received by our company. Please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page to confirm availability of the merchandise that you ordered.

8. Credit Card Declined

When your order status reflects "Credit Card Declined," the credit/debit card that you provided at the time of order has declined with your credit card affiliated bank. Before contacting our company, please contact your credit card provider to determine the reason that funds were denied to our company. You may update your payment method by completing our Payment Method Update Form. If you still require further assistance, please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page to resolve the declined payment method indicated on your account.

9. Credit Card Verification Denied

When your order status reflects "Credit Card Verification Denied," the billing address that is associated with the credit/debit card that you used at the time of order is unable to be verified by your bank. This may be due to a typo, or you may have recently moved and forgot to update the billing address associated with your credit card. Before contacting our company, please contact your credit card provider to determine the correct billing address associated with your credit/debit card. Please update your billing address on file associated with your credit/debit card by completing our Address Update Form. If you still require further assistance, please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page.

10. International Order Awaiting Processing

After your International order is placed with SouthSmoke.com, the status of your order will be reflected as "International Order Awaiting Processing." This confirms our companies receipt of your order and we are currently confirming available inventory, and verifying your information with your financial institution in order to fulfill and ship your requested Hookah merchandise.

11. Awaiting Western Union Payment

If your order status is reflected as "Awaiting Western Union Payment," SouthSmoke.com is currently awaiting funds from you via an electronic Money Transfer. To confirm that our company has received your funds, please contact us Toll Free at 888.577.6653 or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page.

If you still have questions about your order status at SouthSmoke.com, please contact us Toll-Free or send us an electronic inquiry via our Contact Us page.

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