Hookah Setup

Assembling your hookah from start to finish.

Steps on how to properly maintain and keep your hookah in mint condition.
Hookah Setup Guide PDF Version

Hookah Setup Guide Step 1

Please make sure that you have a Stem, Base, Snap On Tray, set of Tongs, Bowl with Bowl Grommets, and Hose with Hose Grommets.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 2

Now fill up your Base with water, making sure that the water level reaches the bottom of the bottle neck.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 3

Moisten the Base Grommet using a small amount of water. Insert your Shaft into the Base in a clockwise fashion.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 4

Place the Snap On Tray over the top of the Shaft, securing it in place.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 5

Place the Bowl grommet over the top of the Shaft.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 6

In order to setup your Bowl, it is recommended that you have the following materials available: Flavored Tobacco, Tongs, Metal Bowl Screen/Tin Foil.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 7

Break up the Flavored Tobacco in order to experience a smoother smoke.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 8

Loosely sprinkle the Flavored Tobacco into the Bowl, making sure that you do not fill it above the top of the Bowl.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 9

Secure the Metal Bowl Screen on top of the Bowl, or wrap some tin foil around the top of the Bowl.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 10

Please make sure that you poke small holes into the Tin Foil if you are not using a Metal Bowl Screen.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 11

Place the completed Bowl on top of the Shaft, securing it onto the Bowl Grommet.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 12

Using the Tongs, light a piece of Charcoal and place it on top of the Metal Bowl Screen/Tin Foil.

Hookah Setup Guide Step 13

Take a couple puffs in order to get the Hookah going.Sit back, relax, and enjoy.


CAUTION- what to watch out for

The Flavored Tobacco is never supposed to burn. The Honey, Molasses, and Glycerin that are mixed with the Flavored Tobacco are the substances that are being evaporated and smoked. If the Charcoals are placed over a dried out part of the Bowl, or the Bowl is completely dry, the smoke may get harsh. If you experience a harsh taste, please check the Bowl, as it may be time to fill up the Bowl with Flavored Tobacco again.