Cargo Claim Authorization Request

Please complete the following form or contact the Customer Service Center Toll Free at 888.57.SMOKE (888.577.6653) in order to receive an Authorization Number from

1.*Recipient's First & Last Name

2.*Recipient's Email Address

3.*Recipient's Telephone Number

4.Order ID

5.*What is incorrect with your order?
 Missing Parts or Merchandise
 Box Has Been Tampered With
 Shipment Has Been Lost
 Delivered To Wrong Address
 Merchandise Has Been Damaged

6.*In your own words, please describe what merchandise has been damaged, lost, or tampered at the time of receipt. If your answer choice was "Other" in Question 5, please provide additional details that may help us resolve this Damage Claim.

7.*How would you like to be reimbursed?
 Merchandise Replacement Store Credit
 Have A Representative Call Me
 Please Do Not Reimburse